When sleep is denied and darkness prompts
The moving time,prompts the pen to work.
Does it have an inkling about it's status of eternality?
The valueless is always more valued than the valuable,
But that should not harm the germ of ingenuity.
It is 2:08A.M.It is so dark outside.Till date,it has always puzzled me to think that darkness can be some sort of inspiration.But darkness is in fact,the source of all creativity.Darkness is so dark,that it makes you think.If darkness was an entity,could we really question its perseverance?It is so still and calm.'To envy darkness',we must be worthy enough.Did you ever witness its' intensity to remain so constantly silent.But the silence has strangely got words in it:words with which you are cursed,words you can't come out of or escape. I know darkness.It has got eyes.I know it is vigilant.I know it lacks a place,but do you know you still lie in everyone?
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