Getting oneself involved in too many things can be really hectic.But I won't say much now,because I need to survive challenges and this month is going to be tough.I must gather enough confidence and courage to stand against all odds,and keep reminding myself in the hardest of times,of all the promises that I have made to myself,and trust me there is no way to cheat one's own conscience,and hence things must continue the way they are suppose to.I generally shy away from talking to new people and since I am meeting so many of them now,I must say,that it has not brought any change in me.I still take time to open up and once I do that,I am more liberal in my conversation with the other person,but by the time I open up, most people seem to make up their own minds about me and I am back to being alone,not that I regret it or don't enjoy it.I always have my books giving me company and nothing can be better,I assure.Recently I have met a girl,in the school I teach, who can speak u...