May the Lord help

Some readers asked me as to why i don't write as often as i used to? It is just that i had a given goal to the number of pageviews that i received. I have reached that number and so , as i had mentioned before, i shall only write when i want to. Also I have realized that i am becoming more private with my issues now a days. So i might not find it very comfortable to share all my feelings here. Some philosophical approaches towards life and work will always be shared with my readers though. And that brings me to the one thing that is inside my mind for sometime now. I feel distanced. I am finding it hard to give a meaningful definition to my life right now.  Money does make me happy. But the working pattern has become monotonous. I am learning and teaching but not the way i had always dreamed of. There is something missing in my life right now. Something so essential and vital that i can almost feel it taking a shape in my mind with its empty form. And i am not losing myself because i think i have just started finding something in its essence. May God be with me in this journey.


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