What my mind says
When you stay at home for a long, long time , you gradually start to realize the comfort you have been missing for so long. Home will never teach you to value your time, to value your food or existence. At home you will never get curious faces all the time. At home, you will never have to make an additional effort to see if someone is interested to be a friend or if someone is secretly plotting against you. Home is where trust is. Home is where you have got real friends. I value home and the very Indian culture of loving it. True that I had learned the best of lessons outside, and still continue to learn many but as they say 'Nothing is as good as home'. Now time to step out of this topic and switch to my favourite topic- human nature. Pretty amazing that people change colors all the time. Sometimes they are too friendly and sometimes they are not. It depends on their needs and let's face it - even I do it to survive, it is the defense mechanism that is common in practice. So I meet people who believe that I need to initiate a conversation all the time, even when they want to talk with me more or when I don't even care if they live or die, I meet people who think they are being smart because they keep quiet and allow you to do the talking, but hey- I am pretty careful as to say you things and I tell them to you, when I want to and because I want to. So, you are not special. If I feel I should not, I will never. Can count me on that. Then I meet people who put up big shitty posts on social networking sites ( not a blog, mind you) but meaner platforms to show how carefree and strong they are. Well, you are just mean and rude and there is nothing that makes you great. Then there are some people you put up with, because you have no choice. The situation is not always that bad, because SOMEtimes you meet people who help you. They never try to trick you. They help you because that is their nature. They help you because they feel good doing that. Everytime I have shared this with people, they have asked me ; O, wait it would be wrong to say ask but they have stated 'Must be boys'. Well no, they are girlls and in fact there are some two three girls that I have known who help you, love you and all of them are my hometown people. So you see you can't categorize me into a misanthrope. I am still going strong in my faith towards humans who are ready to sacrifice themselves selflessly for other people. My faith is reinforced by the one friend I know, who is now ready to serve the country knowing how it isn't going to be a child's game. So when many others come to me telling how they too desperately want to be in Defense, I secretly smirk at them and tell them inside my mind,' did you ever ask yourself how selfish you are to even care for others?'. Well, that is a different story altogether.
P.S- How too many people will think individually that this is for them. (Khik- khik)
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