All that I missed out on. Let's quickly compensate

 I am here because I just realized I have not written in a while. I also realised that I did not write any 'goals accomplished' post last December or a new year post this January. It's the last day of January and I promised myself yesterday that I will write today and here I am. So I will just try to fit in all that I did not write and also things that I want to write today in one post. But before anything, a very happy new year to all,reading this.

                  I can go on and on with the number of things that I had learned last year right from completing one professional course to managing home and giving tuitions and getting to know the work culture of my home state in a whole different light. However, if there is something that I really pride myself for, I would say it's how I learned to take care of my mental health. I learned to sum up the courage to say NO to a lot many things that were no more serving the purpose. I placed happiness above all and it wasn't easy. Not just that. I learned to say NO to people who assumed that my kindness is my weakness.I don't know who needs to hear this but ditch people who take you for granted. I also learned to accept my flaws. Gosh! That wasn't easy. Literally there are so many things that I have said and done and now that I look back, I do judge myself for it but accepting flaws also mean forgiving yourself. I tried. I really did. The universe showed me how things look like when they are not in your favour personally, socially or professionally. Tough it was.

                      Coming back to 2022. New year. New goals and reason why I wasn't writing here is because I have started writing my journal again. So I write on my journal every single day. I have started a gratitude diary. I write my goals on it. I write what I want to accomplish in a particular week and a month. In fact I was writing my journal before I started writing this blog. And writing my blog is in my January goal list along with so many other things. Initially I would say it was weird to jot down everything in my journal. Thanking the universe for mundane things like food and sleep seemed like a no progress stuff and I even questioned myself why was I doing it. But I was persistent and I think differently today. A few days back, I just saw this video on YouTube where children in South Africa were shown to go without food and drinking water. It showed of how the children migrated from one place to the other hoping for a better world where they will not have to worry about food or shelter or education. I was sad to see that the migrants and their kids did not even have the facility to drink good, clean water. That's when I realized how privileged I am and we are. Since then I have started taking my gratitude diary more seriously. I really hope that no one ever goes to sleep on an empty stomach ever. And by no one, I do mean absolutely no one. So yes, that's it. Now that I am no more on Facebook or Instagram ( o yes! that was my 2021 resolution. And it worked and I don't want to go back to it again. From using FB and IG 24/7 to not using it at all, is also something that I learned), i have decided to take pictures of events and good memories every month and paste it in my journal. I have taken a leave today from my work place and I definitely have plans to make good use of this free time by editing some pictures on word and then getting a print out of all those pictures and then pasting them in my journal. Also, I have become a proud plant owner. Yes, something that I never thought I will manage to do. I have seven different plants whom I water everyday. I also feed birds every single day. I try to pray to God whenever possible. Evenings are usually for that purpose but I often run out of time. Lately I have discovered that praying to God with just an incense stick ...or just sitting in front of God with an incense stick is so therapeutic. People say talk to yourself because self talk is so necessary. I do that but now a days I just do it in front of God. 

                     So yes, this is life for now. I don't know what's gonna happen next and that's what makes it so intimidating and exciting at the same time. Let's see, if I can share more this upcoming month. I definitely plan to come up with atleast two blog posts this coming month. Fingers crossed. Have a good day folks.


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