About Night owls

Down with fever, so it is both the right time and not the right time to write down something that provoked my anger again. This time, it was a middle aged woman who told me that ' tumi to porashunoi bhalo, tai tumi rat jago. Jader buddhi beshe, tara rat jage! '( you are studious and intelligent and that is precisely why you stay awake for most of the night). What? I don't deny that I am studious but that has got nothing to do with my late nights. It is usually the time when I educate the better creative part of my brain either by reading a good book, NOT PRESCRIBED IN THE SYLLABUS or by painting or writing a good poem, or by watching a very good movie or TV series. And this has got nothing to do with my studies. Or maybe it has got something to do with what I feel education is, on a broader spectrum. And for the stupid theory that night owls make for intelligent brains, let me tell you -I have seen too many, and when I say too many , I mean it- too many early risers who are exceptionally talented at what they do and far more organised than people like me who choose night time to be their , what should I say, working time maybe. And let me also tell you, I pity myself for this because more than anything it is probably INSOMNIA for me, something that struck me since I was sixteen. It was painful but now that I channelized it into things that might help my hyper active brain relax, I feel okay.


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