25th April 2015
Well the news of the Nepal earthquake which took place on 25th of April,Saturday is all over the internet now and probably i am the last person on earth to write about this quake on my blog.I don't think so i need to give the stats of how many people died or what was the earthquake measure cause by now i feel evryone knows about it.I just want to share my own experience.The quake which shook nepal also shook India especially the northern and eastern part of India and living in Durgapur,a small place in West Bengal near Kolkata,i had one of the most eerie experiences of my life.The night before 25th i could not sleep and i went to sleep at around 6A.M on the morning of 25th due to which i could not wake up early that morning.Till mid-day i was sleeping and i saw a dream which was again eerie.I saw in my dream that it was raining heavily and i was on the roof of our house when suddenly i saw i big anaconda with its two babies on our apollo avenue street[which is just infront of our h...