Ranting is allowed
Ten years since 2013. The year when I stepped into my college. A new world, a new culture and a completely new environment with new faces. College felt numb and so did my P. G. Always thought of holidays, felt happier when got them. Three months at a stretch sometimes. Holidays always meant an escape to my hometown, to my family. Now it's my mother and me and the idea of hometown does not excite me anymore. It's just a place where I survive and try to thrive. There is no escape even when there are plenty of options. Think I already know what hell might feel like. With a deeper understanding of life, universe and humans, my mind has almost given up on the human civilization ( not to forget I don't like the street dogs crying and howling at night and continuing with it for one hour to say the least. Cockroaches and flying cockroaches appearing from almost nowhere). Elders bless us with a long life but they always fail to mention a blessed, carefree long life. Who wants to li...