Rain, associated memories,nostalgia
Evening rain makes me write. I don't know if it's a coincidence but now a days I get to hear a lot of stories about how people chose certain careers that made them happy and rich ( obviously, as in what did you think?). Anyway, so today's blog post is not about those people and those stories. Today's blog is about how an ex-colleague and I had a serious conversation one day without intending to have one. It happened in Rajasthan during the month of January. Both my colleague and I, decided to take an evening walk after 7 in the campus. We both were bored and just so you know both of us were of the same age and we had to make use of our excessive energy. So we got out after 7, and we walked and walked. Northern India winter is not like the winter that one experiences in eastern India. Northern India winter can make every corner of your body shiver. That's what makes it very interesting and as we started walking more, talking more, suddenly there was a cold breeze. No...